دیدار با خانواده شهدای کارمند علی آباد کتول+ تصاویر

فرماندار شهرستان علی آبادکتول همزمان با گرامیداشت هفته دولت، با خانواده شهدای کارمند این شهرستان دیدار کرد.

Ebrahim Ahmadi, on the sidelines of these visits, which was attended by the commander of the Basij area of the Revolutionary Guards, the head of the Foundation for Martyrs and Veterans Affairs and a group of other officials of the city's offices, said: "Employee martyrs are a good role model for government employees and visiting the family of these honorable martyrs is a good opportunity to model the behavior of the officials from them.
He said: "Our goal is to make sure that we have a lot of people who don't have the right to do it and that we have a lot of people who don't have the right to do it.










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